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BME International Experience Program

BME International Experience Program

The Engineering for Health (E4H) Interdisciplinary Center of Institut Polytechnique de Paris is issuing a call for applications for its BME Student International Experience Program. This program provides support for selected IP Paris and Inria Saclay students working in the field of Biomedical Engineering (BME) to engage with an international collaborator in a research project that is complementary to the ongoing PhD work or internship at IP Paris or Inria Saclay.

This program is intended to provide students with an opportunity to develop their own global network and contacts, to learn about culture-specific drivers of technology and innovation, and to gain appreciation for the policies that govern technological development in other countries. 

The program is financed by the Bertip EUR (ANR 18EURE0002). 

Selection criteria

Eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • Must be a full-time student (PhD, master, bachelor, or "élève ingénieur") or postdoc at IP Paris or Inria Saclay, working in the BME field
  • Applicant must identify a host institution and host advisor
  • Project can be anywhere outside France
  • Awards will cover travel and accommodation costs up to 5 000 €
  • Duration of the travel should range from 2 weeks to 6 months
  • Awardee agrees to make a presentation on their international research upon return to IP Paris

Awards will NOT be granted for travel:

  • After the end of the diploma
  • Within France
  • To the laboratory of the PhD co-supervisor, if any
  • Related to paid work of any kind done by the applicant
  • By an applicant who has previously received an International Experience Award

Application procedure

The application, written in English, consists of the following:

  • A cover page that provides the title of the thesis or internship and the name and affiliations of the applicant, the advisor, and the host advisor (1 page)
  • A short presentation of the project including results to date (maximum 1 page)
  • A presentation of the host laboratory and a statement of how the experience in the host laboratory is expected to contribute to and enhance the project (maximum 1 page)
  • Visit dates, project timeline and requested funding (maximum 1 page)
  • CV of student applicant
  • Support letter from the supervisor
  • Support letter from the host advisor

Evaluation procedure

This call is pemanent. Applications will be reviewed on a monthly basis by the E4H Steering Committee. 

Application timeline

Applications should be evaluated:

  • for experiences within EU : at least 1 month and half before the first day of the experience
  • for experiences outside EU : at least 2 months and half before the first day of the experience

Late applications will not be accepted and will be returned to the applicant. Projects that do not comply with the instructions may be penalized. 

> Submit applications

For further information, please contact